Cape Cod Climate Task Force

Here’s a pro­pos­al for some big pic­ture think­ing. Can we come togeth­er to cre­ate a Cape Cod cli­mate task force, using com­mon sense and good­will to cre­ate a blue­print, a com­pact, to guide and unite us all in this new era?

Picture of the flooding tide in Barnstable Harbor : Cape Cod Climate Task Force

As my bio states, I am the “envi­ron­men­tal guy”. Click here to learn more about my sto­ry, my inter­ests, and why I believe that I can help to make Barn­sta­ble resilient in the face of cli­mate evolution.

And for those of you for whom the link does­n’t work, here’s the copy from Mimi McConnel­l’s Cape Cod Times Edi­to­r­i­al of Sept. 11, 2019.

Hats off to Well­fleet and its neigh­bors for their enlight­ened approach in explor­ing non­tra­di­tion­al meth­ods to reduce waste­water pol­lu­tion in Well­fleet Har­bor (“Well­fleet weighs mul­ti­fac­eted water­shed cleanup approach,” Aug. 26, Page 1).

This augurs well for the rest of Cape Cod if we can open our minds to exam­in­ing and then adopt­ing new solu­tions proven else­where in our coun­try but also in oth­er nations – whether it be to address water qual­i­ty or oth­er issues. Too often we turn to “horse and bug­gy” fix­es in today’s world of reli­able alter­na­tives and new technologies.

But this brings up the larg­er ques­tion fac­ing this penin­su­la: What are we doing now, today, in con­cert, to pre­pare for the esca­lat­ing impacts of glob­al cli­mate change? We do not have the 10- to 12-year peri­od we hear tout­ed; the changes are cas­cad­ing now, affect­ing weath­er, the econ­o­my, ris­ing seas, the bal­ance of nature and ulti­mate­ly our way of life right here.

Can we come togeth­er to cre­ate a Cape Cod cli­mate task force, using com­mon sense and good­will to cre­ate a blue­print, a com­pact, to guide and unite us all in this new era?

This would obvi­ous­ly require leg­is­la­tion, cre­at­ed by the peo­ple of Cape Cod after inten­sive input from all ele­ments of our pop­u­la­tion. We are blessed with world-class sci­en­tists right here in Woods Hole; we have pro­gres­sive busi­ness lead­er­ship; we have coura­geous envi­ron­men­tal and groups; we have enlight­ened polit­i­cal lead­ers; we have an informed but unor­ga­nized pub­lic open to new ideas – yet there is no cohe­sive or unit­ed effort yet to address the biggest chal­lenge of our time.

This is not a pro­pos­al for a feel-good study group but rather a con­ven­ing of knowl­edge­able and deter­mined Cape Cod­ders. Care in form­ing this task force would be imper­a­tive to ensure bal­ance, fair­ness and doa­bil­i­ty. Fund­ing for staff and logis­tics would be need­ed and could come from finan­cial and real estate enti­ties (whose futures are cen­tral to this effort). Might our Cape Cod Cham­ber of Com­merce take the lead in form­ing this task force, using great care to be inclu­sive, bal­anced and prac­ti­cal, with a dead­line of, say, 18 months?

Yes, this is com­pli­cat­ed, and indeed daunt­ing; but I have faith that we on Cape Cod will find com­mon ground at this extra­or­di­nary time of awak­en­ing to this local yet inter­na­tion­al chal­lenge to the plan­et entrust­ed to us. It will require inge­nu­ity, integri­ty and wis­dom to play our part in the future of our glob­al vil­lage. Let’s make it happen!

What’s Happening…

Dear Vot­ers,

As a town coun­cilor, I will com­mu­ni­cate & engage reg­u­lar­ly with Precinct 1 con­stituents to keep them up to date on “What’s Hap­pen­ing”. It is one of the most impor­tant roles of a town coun­cilor to engage the peo­ple in their district.

This is the first install­ment of week­ly updates on vil­lage and town issues. 

The town coun­cil vot­ed to approve CPC (Com­mu­ni­ty Preser­va­tion Com­mit­tee) fund­ing for “improve­ments” to The Hol­low. I hope you can come to the next Hol­low meet­ing at the Uni­tar­i­an Church this Wednes­day (see below for more information).

On August 20th, Dan San­tos, head of DPW, spoke at the old Jail about the Streetscape, the Hol­low and Maraspin Creek. There is a nice syn­op­sis of the meet­ing on the Friends of Barn­sta­ble Har­bor Web­site.

I am devel­op­ing a plan for “face to face” meet­ings for the Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage Streetscape Project. As the project pro­gress­es, I believe it will be impor­tant to have a forum to voice our con­cerns about the project. These con­cerns will be shared with the Town of Barn­sta­ble.  And please, feel free to update me on any con­cerns you may have about the BV Streetscape Project ongoing. 

Look for­ward to see­ing you at these impor­tant meet­ings and hear­ing your con­cerns regard­ing the Streetscape Project. And thank you all for being inter­est­ed in our vil­lage be sure to check in reg­u­lar­ly to learn “What’s Happening”!



P. S. Thanks to Ann Canedy for these links.


Precinct 1 Town Coun­cilor John Flo­res will be host­ing a meet­ing for local cit­i­zen­ry input with mem­bers of the DPW depart­ment and CPC regard­ing the ren­o­va­tion of the Hol­low Field on Wednes­day , Sep­tem­ber 4, 2019 at 6pm. The meet­ing will be held at the Uni­tar­i­an Church War­ren Hall next to the Hol­low Field.

John Flo­res will put togeth­er a sub com­mit­tee to talk about improve­ments at the Hol­low.  If you would like to join, con­tact him at:

Barnstable Village Streetscape Project

Construction worker at the Barnstable Village Streetscape Project


The Town of Barn­sta­ble Dept. of Pub­lic Works wants you to be updat­ed in a time­ly, accu­rate, infor­ma­tive way regard­ing the upcom­ing streetscape project.  If you want to receive reg­u­lar updates direct­ly from DPW, sub­mit your email address to :