2022 Is Winding Down, But…The Days Are Getting Longer

Gordon Starr
Precinct 1
Town Councilor

Decem­ber 28, 2022

At this time of year, I always enjoy say­ing, “See you next year.“
I hope to see you many of you at the Annu­al Barn­sta­ble Har­bor New Year’s Day Splash, on Sun­day the 1st of the year.  Bring your bathing suit and then join us at the Dol­phin.  There will be music, raf­fles, and many vil­lage friends to begin the new year with.  The funds raised will go to fam­i­lies in need in Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage.  I want us all to rec­og­nize the efforts of Dan Phi­los-Jensen for tak­ing over and orga­niz­ing this fun and worth­while vil­lage event. He has put in many hours and he is a role mod­el for all of us.
There is also a series of First Day HIkes, orga­nized by the Barn­sta­ble Land Trust.
I hope you are all stay­ing warm and if I don’t see you this week, See you next year.

Stand Outs & Media Events

As the ear­li­er post indi­cates, Gor­don Starr Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil Can­di­date is on the move. As well as Stand Outs & Media Events, Gor­don is knock­ing on doors across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Cen­ter­ville, and Hyan­nis’ “Vil­lage Green” and ask­ing the ques­tion “do you know who is your town councilor?”

Gordon Starr with Vote Button on a backgroudn of Barnstable Harbor satellite image

Stand Outs

We need lots of people!

It is crunch time for the Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil elec­tion on Novem­ber 5.  And we need your help hold­ing signs from 7:30–9:00am and 3:30–5:00pm on elec­tion day. 

Please con­tact Cyn­thia Cole at cbc33@comcast.net. Text or call her at 508.280.8979.

Please give us an hour or two of your time! 

BTW, for those not sure, stand outs are when you stand on the cor­ner, or at a poll hold­ing a Vote for Gor­don Starr Town Coun­cil sign. It’s fun. You get to wave a lot and peo­ple smile back at you. Some­times they even honk their horns! 

Media Events

Newradio 95 WXTK Logo:  Stand Outs & Media Events

Sun­day, Novem­ber 3rd @ 12pm – 1pm

First, tune in to hear Precinct 1 Town Coun­cil chal­lenger Gor­don Starr con­verse with incum­bent John Flo­res on FM 95.1 News­ra­dio WXTK host­ed by Patrick Desmarais.

Next, call in and engage in the debate between these two town coun­cil can­di­dates. The num­ber to call is 508–775-9985.

More Ways to Support Gordon Starr

Vis­it our Sup­port Gor­don Starr page, or to learn about more upcom­ing Stand Outs & Media Events sign up for Gor­don’s newsletter. 

Keeping Up With Gordon

It’s not easy keep­ing up with Gor­don. He’s all over town!

Knock­ing on doors, town meet­ings, and now, radio shows, he is on the move. His signs are show­ing up all over the precinct as he reach­es out to vot­ers across Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage, Hyan­nis, and Centerville.

Elect Gordon Starr sign on a neighbor's lawn with a handsome cream colored retriever sitting next to it.  Keeping Up With Gordon is not for the feint of heart.

As busy as Gor­don is, so are his sup­port­ers. Click the links below to read Let­ters to the Edi­tor sup­port­ing his can­di­da­cy and pub­lished by the Cape Cod Times this past week.

Asso­ci­a­tion to Pre­serve Cape Cod’s Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Andrew Got­tlieb had this to say in his “What I’m think­ing” newsletter…

If you start at the local lev­el, and let’s face it that most of the action on mit­i­ga­tion and adap­ta­tion are going to hap­pen as local gov­ern­ment projects, your vote real­ly counts. I was elect­ed a select­man by 6 votes. In local scale elec­tions, sin­gle votes mat­ter and can­di­dates know it. So, don’t waste your pow­er. Put peo­ple in office at the local lev­el who take the sci­ence seri­ous­ly and under­stand the urgency.

… Don’t think for a minute that who you elect local­ly doesn’t mat­ter. Even if your local select per­son doesn’t move up the polit­i­cal food chain, they will be decid­ing what your town does or doesn’t accom­plish on cli­mate and water qual­i­ty. Barn­sta­ble vot­ers, you have an elec­tion soon, so it is not too late to flex your envi­ron­men­tal mus­cles.

Gor­don cares about Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. He is look­ing for­ward on all issues impact­ing our vil­lage and our town. Vis­it About Gor­don and learn why he should be our next Precinct 1 town councilor.

Endorsed by Senator Ed Markey

Yes­ter­day, Gor­don Starr Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil Can­di­date Precinct 1 was endorsed by U.S. Sen­a­tor Ed Markey at Nir­vana Cof­fee Shop in Barn­sta­ble Village. 

“We need lead­ers at the local lev­el to influ­ence poli­cies that are going to help us to avoid the worst and most cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences of cli­mate change, we need to think glob­al­ly but need to act locally. ”

U.S. Sen­a­tor Ed Markey

Endorsed by Senator Ed Markey

Here’s the Cape Cod Times article:

Markey Makes Unusu­al Endorse­ment on Cape Cod Visit

The Cape Cod Times arti­cle notes that the town coun­cil elec­tion is not a par­ti­san race. Gor­don is reg­is­tered as “un-enrolled” nev­er­the­less, Gor­don’s strong record of sup­port­ing the envi­ron­ment caught Sen­a­tor Markey’s atten­tion for an endorsement.

Markey was on the Cape to attend the Net Zero Con­fer­ence being held at Cape Cod Resort and Con­fer­ence Cen­ter in Hyannis.

Gordon has lived in Barnstable Village for over 40 years

Gor­don knows Barn­sta­ble Vil­lage. He val­ues its tra­di­tions and respects its char­ac­ter. Gor­don under­stands what is impor­tant to the vil­lagers. He is a great lis­ten­er and wants to hear what mat­ters to you!

Vis­it About Gor­don to learn more about Gor­don’s sto­ry. Aside from being endorsed by Sen­a­tor Ed Markey, Gor­don has cur­ried favor with towns­peo­ple across the vil­lage, as indi­cat­ed by the many lawn signs lin­ing route 6A.

2019 One Cape Summit

Kris Clark (left) & Gordon Starr (right) at the One Cape Summit
Barn­sta­ble & West Barn­sta­ble Town Coun­cil Can­di­dates Gor­don Starr & Kris Clark at the 2019 One Cape Summit

I spent Mon­day and Tues­day at the Cape Cod Com­mis­sion’s 2019 One Cape Sum­mit. Work­shops addressed cli­mate change through adap­ta­tion and mit­i­ga­tion. Also fan­tas­tic dis­cus­sions about the issues con­cern­ing year-round hous­ing on the Cape.

Picture of the patio of the Wequasset Resort where the 2019 One Cape Summit was held.
2019 One Cape Sum­mit: Wequas­set Resort patio over­look­ing Pleas­ant Bay 

This year’s One Cape Sum­mit focused on Envi­ron­ment and Econ­o­my. Day #1 fea­tured speak­ers on envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. Eric Fish­er, CBS Boston’s WBZ-TV’s chief mete­o­rol­o­gist recount­ed not only the con­di­tions lead­ing up to the pre­vi­ous week’s tor­na­does, but also stat­ed that July 2019 was the hottest July on record for Boston. In fact, the Wash­ing­ton Post reports that June was the 414th con­sec­u­tive month with above-aver­age glob­al temperatures.

The One Cape Sum­mit Day #2 agen­da includ­ed pre­sen­ta­tions on town plan­ning tools. These tools inte­grate design, eco­nom­ics and pub­lic input to devel­op strate­gies for improv­ing qual­i­ty of life while increas­ing liv­ing space den­si­ty. Town of Barn­sta­ble plan­ners are look­ing to the future to ensure that afford­able work­force hous­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are created.

Final­ly, a pre­sen­ta­tion by the US Cen­sus Bureau empha­sized the need for our par­tic­i­pa­tion in the 2020 cen­sus. The impor­tance of keep­ing respon­dent data strict­ly con­fi­den­tial was both empha­sized and reit­er­at­ed. And, the US Cen­sus Bureau is offer­ing cen­sus tak­ers jobs at $19/hour. Here’s a link to see if you qual­i­fy 2020 US Cen­sus Job Oppor­tu­ni­ties.